ko mak island thailand

Following NAIHUA (me) 3 days and 2 nights trip to Koh Mak in Trat province Early morning before sunrise on 18-20 Feb, in my country we call before cock awake us, I was headed to Anusawari Chai Samoraphum (Victory Monument) where was the bus station BKK-Trat. I fought the mosquitos with ticket seller for a while , until the bus was ready to go at 4.30 am. The fee was (300 baths) per person (full bus can go immediately).
I fell a sleep almost all the way from BKK until the bus stop here here Laem Ngop pier.

The speed boat name's Panun was going to take me and other passengers to the island. The fee was about 450 per person on reservation.

About 45 minutes with speed boat on the beautiful sea wasn't too far for me (because I fall asleep) Then…. here I was, Kho Mak Resort pier.

Color of the Sea and Sky including fresh air liked this worth for long time I spent on bus and speed boat. I felt fresh and had wished to swim right now.

This was Suan Yai Bay (located Koh Mak Resort). If we were heading to the pier, Koh Mak Resort and Suchanaree Resort would be on the right.

On the left side next to the Kho Mak Resort area was Fantasia then Koh Mak CoCoCape Resort.

While waiting for resort bus, I didn't wasted time so I took a walk around for beach tour absorb fresh air of Ko Mak as much as I could.

Even this was almost noon but the temperature was fine, cloudy sometimes.

When we arrived the water sea was increasing at noon opposite to the southern, my hometown.(It's would be about the moon power, waxing moon and waning moon)

Kho Mak Pier when the tourist boat arrived was so busy this time was calm and welcome to take a soft breeze and UV (because it was at noon).

Hooray, I heard someone calling me “NaiHua”, when the resort bus arrived.

Here was “baan koh mak resort” my place for tonight.

Bright color pallet used in this resort was saturated with the calming color of the ocean, let's check in.

I was not sure this beautiful house for rent or not, it located in the back of the resort reservation building.

Viewed from the beach to the resort reservation building, wide and nice scenery, I loved it.

This might be popular location for this resort, the hammock on the beach, ….but this time I was too late .

Surrounding here were the Kho Mak huts located on U shape line heading to the beach.

I got room No.2 next to the beach. Actually, I had 2 friends with this trip, no doubtedly, extra-bed was mine, the thick sheet on the floor.

The huts of Koh Mak Resort were compact but can provided everything for 2 people needed. The d?cor curtains were almost see-through to the next room shadows.

Noise from the stomach was loud, so brought me all you've got! First dish coming was the spicy sea food. As I was used to with sea food, not often I felt to applaud.

But I recommended the spicy sea-food of Ban Koh Mak because every ingredients fresh and the taste was mild not burning from chilly but warm from pepper.This was Thai-style sour and spicy sea- food. Don't decided from how it looked, the taste was good.

Well, the last but not least spicy sea-food soup with milk, fresh ingredients were the core of the taste here.

Long and early journey made me attempted to fill my stomach full and need afternoon nap.
Before this trip I got a cold so I was quite under the shade all the time for today. I woke up when almost sunset was coming.

At Ban Kho Mak, the nice sunset scenery for shooting a shot was in front of me.
The pier over there was Ma Ka Tha Nee Resort, the resort next to Ban Kho Mak.

Not only the scenery was more romantic when I saw that couple on the beach, but also made a single man like me feel more lonely, phewwww

It was a big mistake I didn't shoot any night shot of the resort, my battery was died. But anyway I could told you that the night atmosphere around here was really wonderful.
Morning of 19 Feb ..
Last night, the Parasetamal effected me fell asleep so early, I wake up fresh than anyone else. Then go riding motorcycle to take a deep breath for fresh air of Kho Mak.
Cool and damp air hit my face made me miss my hometown. On the Island there was lots of rubber trees grew as in Southern of Thailand.

After motorcycling tour, I came back to relax with running nose on the beach chair on Koh Mak Cottage Beach next to Ban Koh Mak.

My friends already woke up so we went for breakfast immediately, the eat and sleep trip, I think.I picked the simple menu on the beach, sea-food boiled rice. On the big bowl, it was a lot of fresh ingredients such as squeeze, fish, and shrimp , no fishy smell, Yum Yum!

This american breakfast was ordered for three of us, even though our up-town faced might not suit with the western style but we insist to try.

Hi! you there! I couldn't miss to introduce Diety, the puppy of Ban koh Mak. With naughty eye
nobody were here couldn't help fall in love with him. His duties were dig, spilt, splash, eat, and sleep.

When the stomach full, we were ready to explore koh Mak, the first destination was Lem Suan Bay.

We stopped at Cinnamon Arts Resort and Spa, calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Crystal clear water under the bridge was not deep so you can see your feet clearly. It was early when I took this picture there was mist around here.

We back to White Bay located White Bay Resort. Clear water on the clam and beautiful beach it was worth to rent I recommended.

I found this place since riding in morning and planed to be back here later.

Seeing through crystal clear sea water around found the soft sand sparkling when the sun shining and the breeze blew, it was the perfect relaxing place on Earth we could go.

Most reservations on White resort were foreigners around the world, but there was little hope for a walk-in guest on the low Season.

I spent quite a long time at White Bay with plan to go back for swimming on this evening.

Then we went riding to koh Mak CoCo Cape resort, not far from Ban koh Mak.

Looking from the restaurant of koh Mak CoCo Cape resort, I figured it out why people would like to get in here. Crystal clear water and the scenery that can stun me for a day.

Baan Chum Khruen, the resort that was stretching out into the sea. I couldn't help imagining that if I
were there laying down on the porch, but It was the pity that I couldn't rent a room!

Twin Orchid was one of the most dream about beach hut, (not mention to the view here, the beautiful sea view from the greenery beach, how cool! )

This was my someday room with my girl, if I had one ^ ^.

This would be the Happy Boat, it was quite new than it looked through the internet.
This boat was big enough for 4 people.

Walking not far from the pier of the resort I found that seawater around here was very cool with big and small rocks underneath. Just soak my feet in was fine enough.

Even there was ton of rock surrounded but it had short beach for a walk.

Now here sun beam was fine for taking photos but sky was not so bright as it should. However, koh Mak Beach was not less beautiful than others I had ever been to.

Walking until the end of the resort I saw this.

Then I went back to the bridge. This spot was popular for shooting photos for everyone.

Again with Crystal clear water of koh Mak it was memorable for my journey.

Fresh air lead me strolled on the beach with camera until the end of the cost, luckily the temperature was mind today.

Phewww. Let me do sunbathing here, dark tan like me still needed! …what a wonderful blue sea!

It couldn't help to touch this this crystal clear water, yeehaa!

The left side of the bridge was the sea diving spot, I saw tourists were with full diving equiptments.

No chance to dive with them, actually I could see all I wanted on this bench so I rather interested in the pole signs to the tourist place around here they were cozy and lovely.

The Girl with orange hat was falling in love with crystal clear water here also.

Almost lunch time my stomach couldn't wait to go anywhere so having lunch at this resort was a good idea. The single dish was spicy seafood with herb. It was fine for quick meal at this time.

Over 1 p.m., then we went to the resort to had some rest...Diety was over there being naughty on the beach.

Sun beam was lowering its power contrast to my power that was higher so shall we go to Tukta Cape together, it's far but the beautiful scenery worth for.

Sand at Tukta Cape was red and rough but the water was clean and clear as other beaches. This beach still kept clam and peace because there were only 2 resorts here ; Maruay resort and Ban Ink Khao

We back to visit Green View Resort, next to Cinnamon Resort, one of the most peaceful

Clear and shallow water around this area could let us walk very far from the beach.

Hope to enough for this trip, my friends? No no no, Phai Bay was our next destination, before arrived there we spent a bit time on Little Moon Resort. The owner was so friendly and the the resort was clean and green and quite individual.

Actually, before I rent Ban koh Mak, I was seeking Buri Hut Resort, Moutain site resort on Nid Bay but I didn't decided.

Before back to Ban koh Mak we found Island Hut the resort that was in between White Bay andy Ban koh Mak this beach the water was not so clear but deep suit for swimming.

End of this day with this sea mood picture, leaning coconut tree with swing, what a nice and easy view.

Time was up before I felt exhausted. That night we had dinner at the resort and I missed night shooting again because of cold drug effect, poor me!
20 Feb ...
Good Morning FaSai the dog , but he was still in his dream.

This guy might be hang over from last night so a can of beer was needed (just kidding, no animal were harmed)

Sun Beam of this morning appeared to say hello right now. It was wonderful that at Ban koh Mak we could see both Sun Rise and Sun Set light.

Let me took advantage my friend a bit this morning I needed American full course ^ ^.

10 a.m. Was the time to say good bye to koh Mak. Ugh! Who was that guy? He cut in the line and get into the pic up car before us.
Ah, It was Fai Sai the dog . He might be wishing to send us to the pier but his owner didn't let him go, so long boy.

When we were at the pier there were some tourists were going back also.

If he could talk I thought he would say “Were you going back? See you later, bye bye...”

I would say that the traveling to koh Mak island was comfortable not differ from other islands around here but a bit far so the fee for minibus to the pier and speed boat were higher (approximately 1,500 baths per person) but the crystal clear water, smooth sand, clam beach, cute resorts, friendly people, and wonderful experiences we got from this trip worth for...
Many Thanks for following..